The 7F
As Drs. H. Toto Tasmara say, The 7F is food, film, fashion of style, free thinkers, financial, faith, friction. The 7F try to shatter Islam’s defense from outside continuity. Let’s check this out one by one.
In our beloved country, junk food is generally for us. Beside fast to order, junk food also cheap. Eat in junk food Restaurants has a prestige to own people. Teenagers prefer like to eat junk food than traditional food, even Islamic youth. Whereas we all know that junk food is bad for our body, it can impair our main organ like brain, heart, etc. Some diseases are caused by junk food are cancer, decrease your memory, and the worst is junk food can impair your brain, so you will disorientation.
Whereas Allah SWT has asked to us for eat halal food and nice food in the earth ( Q.S Al-Baqoroh:168). Is that junk food fulfill the condition ? the answer is no. Non-Muslim want to destroy Islamic youth through junk food, make us fool and they will do genocide for us but it won’t happen
The worst from the worst is junk food restaurant like KFC, MCd give their profit to help Israel kill our brother in Palestina. If we buy junk food is equal to donate one bullet to our brother. How many has you bought junk food ? how many bullet which you give to our brother ?
Hollywood never stop serve blockbuster film for us. And almost all of film has badness value like western cultures. Not only from Hollywood, but also Indonesia film production has already spread in our television. Film is not contain kindness value, but contain value which destroy people’s behavior instead. Aldous Huxley, an author scientific fiction said that the beginning of iman destruction is cause pretend from TV programme. Even he said that TV is enemy with friendly face. Radiation of TV’s light can make us forget something. For Islamic youth stay away from TV and theater now. Decrease watch Hollywood Film, decrease watch TV programme. If you have spare time, you can use it to get some course, read book, write in blog, etc.
Fashion of life style
Identity of muslimah’s clothes is headscarf . But for once more time, Non-Muslim publish an ideology 3L ( life, love, liberty ). Because of 3L, a lot of Muslimah don’t wear headscarf and prefer like choose western ideology than Islam’s rules. Women who wear mini clothes is primitive. Why? Cause in Jahiliyah era, women wore clothes like that and did you remember ancient man ? they didn’t wear clothes. Hi muslimah, do you want to be Jahiliyah’s women or look like ancient man? Start from now to wear headscarf, Allah SWT has asked to wear headscarf in Q.S An-Nur:31. There are a lot of advantage from wear headscarf. So don’t be ashamed to wear headscarf.
America try to spread freethinker in midst of Islamic youth. What is freethinker? Freethinkers include atheists, agnostics and rationalists. Freethinker consider that religion is orthodox with their religion value. Freethinker don’t want to obey religion rules. And their behavior is like an animal. The worst, freethinker sometime use human right to free sex, pornography, etc. This ideology has already have in Indonesia teenager. For further you can browsing in Internet about freethinker
The easy way to conquer this world is conquer world financial. Like Yahudi, they have already conquered America financial, so they almost conquer this world cause America has impact to this world. Now, world financial use three pillars of evil. That are Fiat Money ( mengganti uang emas dengan uang kertas ), Fractional Reserve Requirement ( Penggandaan uang oleh Bank ), and Interest ( Bunga Bank ). Leader of this world apply that ideology to carry out world financial. Three Pillars of Evil are give a lot of disadvantage in economic sector, even Indonesia also get impact from Three Pillars of Evil and we know that our country is poor country. Poor you are.
Do you ever heard Maxchiaveli?
Permitt all of method to obtain purpose, although that method is out of morality value. Maxchiaveli is maker of that wrong ideology. Remember, all of in this world is nothing. Don.t too love this world cause we live in this world just a minute.
Friction is cause people’s mind which out of religion value. Allah SWT has already remembered us in Q.S Al-Ahzab:36
Which meaning :
Not proper for a muslim and a muslimah if Allah and His Rasul have already made verdict, they choosen other verdict about one problem. ( Q.S Al-Ahzab:33 )
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