Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
Meaning of Love
Hi There! How do you do. Ready for this page. At this page, I want to explain clearly something which fun to know and to understand. Something is felt by everyone. Abstract, but we believe that “the something” is real and we have it. The something is Love.
What do you think about love ? I guess everyone know and understand about love in their perception. So, what the meaning of love?
Nowadays, a lot of people interpret that love is any sexual act outside of marriage. Teenagers usually have this problem. They don’t know essence of love, they just be follower of western culture. If they know essence of love, they will say that love is more precious than any sexual act outside of marriage.
Wording of love in Arabic Language which mean Al-Hubb, which mean Al-qurt. Al-Qurt word means earring, because earring free to movement like human who have love, their emotions is unstable. They always worry their sweetheart, never feel peaceful anymore.
Other opinion Al-Hubb, which mean Al-Hubbab. Al-Hubbab word means to water bubble. Human who have love, their feeling is flaming. they want to stay beside their sweetheart.
And also Al-Hubb, which mean Al-Hubriyyah. Al-Hubriyyah word means to big barrel. If big barrel fill full of water, it can’t be add water anymore. Same with love, if our feeling fill full of love, we can’t add anything else.
Essence of Love
So, What is the essence of love ?
Who is the main aim to love ? are those our parent or our friends? NO, They’re not our main aim to love. So who is our main aim ?
I personally think that love is lie in our soul. Love is unshape, but it can give us big influence of our life. We always remember our sweetheart, praise to our sweetheart, waiting him/her send a message to us, even sometime we lose our appetite when our sweetheart is gone or our sweetheart unfaithful . Those are some influence which happen to us. Love make a loyalty and unfaithful to everyone who hate by our sweetheart.
But, there is something which better than just love our sweetheart. A love which haven,t bad influence. A love which can give us peaceful. A love which guide us way to heaven. Who must we love to reach it? Affection for Allah SWT. Yes, that is our main aim to love. Remembering Allah is better than rembembering our sweetheart, praise to Allah is better than praise to our sweetheart, hope to Allah is better than waiting message from oue sweetheart. Allah give us everything, so we must give the best to Allah. Human with powerful iman, everything will be love to Allah, because their belief that Allah is the most perfect, Allah is the most beautiful, no one can be same with Allah. And with powerful iman, human belief that manhaj rabbani ( Allah’s rules ) must to obey. Because manhaj rabbani is the most perfect rule in this world.
We must love to Allah beyond we love to human. Love to Allah is everlasting love whereas love to human is not last forever. Love to Allah with sincerity will get heaven at the hereafter ( Insya Allah ), love to human (especially our sweetheart ) just make a sin. Moreover there are human who just love this world ( Hedonism ). Human like that will get punishment from Allah. We can check it out in Al-Qur’an , At-Taubah : 34-35. ( search surah At-taubah in your Al-qur’an, in order of your Al-Quran not only be a decorated of your cupboard ).
Beside Allah SWT, there is a man who can bring us to Allah’s heaven and we must to love him. He is not ordinary people. He is messenger of Allah to teach us about Islam. He always bring peaceful. Unfortunately he has disappeared from us since long. But, his name still exist until now, because he brought religion which come from Allah SWT. He is our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW. What we have already loved our prophet ? simple questions but complicate to answer. We usually love our idol like artist of Holywood, Group Band, Singer, etc. Whereas they are non-muslim, even some of them is yahudi. Allah has already prohibited us for stay away from yahudi, why we love them instead?. Why we don’t love Rasullah SAW, whereas because of his merit, we can freedom to be a Muslim? Why? Because we don’t know clearly Muhammad SAW. So, start from now. Know your beloved prophet Muhammad SAW! You will love him. And don’t forget to buy Siroh Nabawiyah book. You can know Rasulullah deeper in this book. So. Save your money to buy this book. Ok. Leave your yahudi idol or your non-muslim idol. Let’s to love prophet Muhammad SAW.
Read this arabic rhyme
Don’t follow Nasrani civilization
Who make their prophet be their god
But, praise your prophet
With praise should have been to do
Virtue of Rasulullah SAW is unlimited
To say
Human just consider him as a human
And he is the most kind of Allah’s creature
Then, what we are prohibit to love our opponents sex? No, we aren’t prohibit to love our opponents sex, but we have to control our love to them. Love to opponents sex out of control bring more badness than goodness Love to opponents sex is fitrah. A man is better than a woman in physical and logics, and a woman is better than a man in emotional and sensitivity. Man and woman are interdependence, that is a law natural ( sunatullah ). Love between man and woman is permit as long as we don’t do something beyond we suppose to do.
Read this story for example :
Siska has a friend, his name is Peter. He is a beautiful girl. In the class,Siska never move her eyesight from Peter. Everyday he do it. They often do homework together. Finally, Siska fall in love with Peter. Siska hope Peter fall in love with her too. Everyday Siska pray to God, she ask Peter to be her bofriend. Siska lose her appetite, her weight decrease until 30 kg. oh man. One day, Siska say her feeling to Peter, unfortunately Peter already has a girlfriend. Hikshiks. Siska hate Peter’s girlfriend. Siska hate Peter now. But she can do anything. Everynight before sleep, Siska is cry to Peter. Her weight decrease again. Siska is very sad. She can’t hold this feeling to Peter. Finally she kill herself just for Peter. ( ceritanya lebay bgt)
Na’udzubillahi min dzalik. Let me explain one by one
1. Siska never move her eyesight from Peter in the class. That is the beginning of her feeling. The eye say to brain that Peter is handsome, and brain will produce hormones( I forget the name of that hormones, sorry ). Hormones are make Siska’s feeling unstable, like nervous if Peter near her. And then she is falling in love because her brain always supply siska’a feeling with Peter is handsome. As long as Siska still look Peter in the class, her brain never give up to supply it. So that, Islam teach us to keep our eyesight, we can check it out in Q.S An-nur 30-31. Islam know that our eyesight can make a badness if we use it to see opponents sex continuous. If we see opponents sex at first time is permit (halal), but second, third and more is prohibit (haram).
2. Siska and Peter often di their homework together, just both. Islam say that is khalwat. If two persons ( man and woman ) doing together, the third persons is syaithan . Islam prohibit man and woman do that, because in that meeting can become slander to both. Like Javanese proverb “witing tresna jalaran soko kulino” which mean love begin with meet between man and woman. If we don’t have important thing with opponents sex, we should decrease to meet them.
3. Siska waste her time just for think about Peter, whereas she can use her time to make a creation, to learning, to reading some books, to play with other girl, etc. Love will make us crazy if we can’t control it. So keep your feeling if you love somebody now. Save your feeling just for you
4. the last. Siska kill herself. How an easy! Siska lose Peter. For her, it means that she lose everything. That’s not true. True love is not like that. True love is love somebody because of Allah, hate somebody because of Allah. And all the things to do because of love to Allah.
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