Sixteen names of devil

Qafandar :

Qafandar’s job is strike a guitar at everyhome durin fourty days until denizen of the house will lost

Akhwariya Zawal

It Job is go alon with mankind who doing marriage and sexual intercourse


Wahhar comes in mankind’s dream and Wahhar disturbs them through nightmare which make restlessness and sadness


Assistant of devil. Tamrih has big shape, so tamrih can fulfill east and west. Tamrih whispers an evil into the heart of mankind


Matkun has various face. Either small or big and matkun deceives mankind through that way


Mudzhib shapes kond of face except Rasullulah’s face


Ruhaa avoids Muslim to wake up at midnight to sholat

Mabshut or Mashuth

It job is whispers mankind to do falsehood

Muthrish or Mashuth

It job are give mankind news continuely. Muthrish usually publish lie news and to lead mankind astray


Haffaf always disturbs mankind at desert and roads. Genie like this also exist at khamr

Raktubur or Zalanbur

It job is in the market. It appears lie vow as a goodness

Tsabara or Tsabur

Tsabara is given job for whispers mankind who stricken calamity. And it asks mankind to kill another mankind


Everyman who enter to their home without say assalamua’alaikum and don’t say the name of Allah, Daasim will make conflict and quarrel in the middle of denizen of the house. Daasim also participate in mankind when they are eating.


Persuade women to do lesbian


Khanzab teases concentrate of mankind in their sholat


Abyadh makes mankind getting angry.


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