western culture shouldnt come to Indonesia

well. you may mock me out of date, nerd, soo naturaalll, etc. or we call it in indonesian " kampungan ". nevermind, than i must be follower of western culture which are very very unislamic.

this night was my first experience attending standing party-wedding party, this party was held by my neighbour when i lived in Padang six years ago. this was luxurious party. the people there are mostly richman. i dont know what their religion is, but that's not our culture.

first, when my parents and i quequed for shaking hand with couple, i saw man and woman hug one another and the man give a kiss on woman's cheek, i bet they werent muhrim. the girls with mini dress, although the girl mostly wore hijab, but still there the naughty girl. when i saw it, i thought there was not my place, i cant accept this as indonesian culture which are the people mostly muslim.i sad look this condition.

second, after shaking hand with the new couple, my mom and i put some food ( like another person, i very interesting to put delicious food ). after it, we tried to find chair to sit, islam suggest us if we eat or drink we must sit down. so i tried and tried and tried. but there werent empty chair for me and mom. goshhhh, please,do you ask me eat on foot??? yeah like the tittle standing party, we do all activity with standing, right?? my daddy didnt try to find a chair cause he knew there werent any chair for us to sit down. hueeehh. we were forced to eat on foot. cruel, they forced me break Allah's rules, Astaghfirullah..
they were no hijab between man and woman, this is not indonesia culture, islam never teach us to eat on foot, hug opposite sex,... etc.
wake up indonesian. dont want to drive by western culture. do you think follow western culture is okay????? nooooo, you are wrong. on the contrary we make a sin moreover for muslim. be a true muslim guys. i know i am imperfect but i try to obey Allah's rules. and so are you. throw western culture and be indonesian. spiriittttt!!!!!!!!


2 komentar:

Bejo The LuckyPerSon mengatakan...

I agree with you. we should obey the Allah's rule at anytime.....i tell u my friend, the kuffar won't be pleased until we're all the muslims follow their way. But don't worry! as long as we hold the qur'an and as sunnah their threats are nothing. Keep istiqamah my friend. Wallahu a'lam

Pring Wulung mengatakan...

islam suggest us if we eat or drink we must sit down. i like this opinion. I do not like parties, regardless of its form.

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