Maybe, once upon a time, people didnt know about the name of day. they just through the same day. there wasnt differentiate between one day to other day. it just same. Day just a change of day and night.
Maybe, ancient people got bored with their day. In some website, they said Anglo-Saxon is a tribe who made a name of the day. wew, it's kinda cool, right?????, Impression Tribe has born. The names are still used today. They named the day based on their God. wewww. of course they were many name of God that meant they had many God. well!!
Maybe, Anglo-Saxon named the day based on this
Sun Day become 'Sunnandaeg', or Sunday (Minggu). Moon Day become 'Monandaeg', or Monday (Senin). Mars Day become Tiw Day, is their God of War. That is 'Tiwesdaeg', orTuesday (Selasa). The name God Woden become Wednesday (Rabu). Jupiter Romans Day, God of Thunder, bcome thundey day God Thor, and this is become Thursday (Kamis). Then is Frigg, Wife of God Odin, and because of it, we have Friday (Jumat). Saturn Day become 'Saeterbsdaeg', Romans translation, and become Saturday (Sabtu).
Maybe, it is in english. but I'm very grateful the names of the days in Indonesia does not follow the teachings of Anglo-Saxons. the names of the days in Indonesia based on the names of the day in arabic except one day "minggu" means "dominggo" from jew's day. so maybe we can call minggu as ahad just like in Arab :)
Minggu ---------> Ahad
Senin ---------> Itsnain
Selasa ----------> Tsalatsa
Rabu ----------> Arba'a
Kamis ----------> Khomisah
Jumat ----------> Jumu'ah
Sabtu ----------> Sabt
and maybe, some text that i write above is true. :D
Of course we are different. Tall, black, short, white, curly, straight, etc.
In nature,
We are more different, some patience, an emotional, selfish, angry, assertive, etc.
Everything is owned by humans, different humans who must share in the world which only one, in a very limited world we call earth.
Then why are we different
We are different because we are one.
We can imagine it like a puzzl. In Puzzle, we never find any shape and image is same. why ? because it is deliberately created differently to form a complete picture . Then the results when all differences have been together, we can recognize what the picture is.
It is lyrics of a song, but i dont know who the singer one. Just meaning as neat!! enjoy it :)
A dream is a wish...
A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you will lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for you keep, ha
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving, If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true
A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're feeling small
Alone in the night you whisper
Thinkin' no one can hear you at all
You wake with the morning sunlight
To find fortune that is smiling on you
Dont let your heart be filled with sorrow, for all you know tomorrow
The dream that you wish will come true
When you can dream, then you can start
A dream is a wish your make with your heart
When you can dream, then you can start
A dream is a wish your make with your heart
A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you will lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for you keep
You wake with the morning sunlight
You find fortune that is smiling on you
Don't let your heart be filled be sorrow, for all you know tomorrow
The dream that you wish will come true
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true
A dream is a wish...
Now you can dream, then you can start
A dream is a wish you make with your heart
Now you can dream, then you can start
A dream is a wish you make with your heart
Now you can dream , then you can start
A dream is a wish you make with your heart
Now you can dream, then you can start
A dream is a wish you make with your heart
A dream is a wish...
Now you can dream, then you can start
A dream is a wish you make with your heart
Now you can dream, then you can start
A dream is a wish you make with your heart
Kesenangan cinta
adalah karena ingin tetap bersama yang dicintainya
Kami merasa heran
dengan orang yang selalu mencela orang
yang sedang di mabuk cinta
Jiwa orang yang cinta
selalu memperhatikan yang dicintainya
dan hatinya terasa hancur karenanya
Apabila penyakit hamba
adalah cinta kepada yang merajainya
maka tidak ada seorang tabib pun
yang dapat mengobati selain Dia
Cambuk Hati - Dr 'Aidh bin Abdullah Al-Qarni
Persahabatan itu bukan tentang selalu berkumpul dalam suka
Persahabatan itu adalah tentang ketulusan mencintai sahabat
Persahabatan adalah hal yang berharga yang akan hilang bila kita tak menjaganya dengan baik
Ada yang mengatakan persahabatan adalah emas karena sahabat sulit dicari namun begitu mudah hilang
Perpisahan kali ini bukanlah akhir dari segalanya
Persahabatn tidak terhenti karena jarak dan waktu
Persahabatan karena Allah akan berlangsung selamanya hingga akhir nanti
"Sesungguhnya orang-orang Mukmin itu saling bersaudara."
(Qs. al-Hujurat 49:10)
Rohis 48
AKR 48 ( Anak Kranggan)
Terima Kasih sahabat yang telah mengisi hari-hari di SMAN 48 kita tercinta. :)
dikutip dari buku " Menjadi Secantik Fatimah " DR. Hassan Syamsi Basya
Untuk para Mujahidah....
Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam bersabda,
" Tiada dua orang yang saling mencintai karena Allah kecuali keduanya lebih dicintai oleh Allah, di mana cinta keduanya lebih mendalam saat dicurahkan kepada para sahabatnya. " (HR.Ibnu Hibban dan al Hakim)
Alangkah indahnya pernyataan imam syafi'i :
Coba simak kembali sabda Nabi Muhammad SAW,
" Doa seorang muslim terhadap saudaranya di permukaan yang tak tampak akan dikabulkan. Di atasnya terdapat malaikat yang mewakilinya. Tiap kali dia mendoakan kebaikan untuk saudaranya, malaikat berkata, ' Amin...Kamu berhak mendapat apa yang kamu minat' " (HR. Muslim)
Persaudaraan karena Allah, bagi Malik bin Dinar, dianggap ruh dunia, sebagaimana perkataannya, " Ruh dunia hanya diisi TIGA PERKARA : pertemuan dua saudara, shalat tahajud seraya membaca Al-Qur'an, rumah yang penghuninya melantunkan zikir kepada Allah "
A Place in This World
I don't know what I want
So don't ask me 'cause I'm still trying to figure it out
Don't know what's down this road
I'm just walking, trying to see through the rain coming down
Even though I'm not the only one who feels the way I do
I'm alone, on my own and I'm starting off
I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh, but life goes on
Oh, I'm just a girl trying to find a place in this world
Got the radio on, my old blue jeans
And I'm wearing my heart on my sleeve
Feeling lucky today, got the sunshine
Can you tell me what more do I need
And tomorrow's just a mystery, oh, yeah, but that's okay
I'm alone, on my own and I'm starting off
I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh, but life goes on
Oh, I'm just a girl trying to find a place in this world
Maybe I'm just a girl on a mission but I'm ready to fly
I'm alone, on my own and I'm starting off
Oh, I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh, but life goes on
Oh, I'm alone, on my own and I'm starting off
Oh, I'm just a girl trying to find a place in this world
Oh, I'm just a girl
Talk less, do more. yeah everybody is familiar with this quote. This sentence become a motto of one of cigarette company in Indonesia. and also this sentence become western people's motto.
Talk less, do more, when i heard this sentence, i have my own perception about this. In my opinion, this sentence means that we must lessen talking something which we will do latter. Then we had better make it real than publish it but it never come true. Another opinion from me is "silence is better than talking to cause noise"
And for your info. The motto is made by western people had been existed since thousand years ago when our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW still alive in this world. The sentence is written in a Hadith Rasulullah SAW.
Proom Night is like yule ball (pesta dansa), where boy and girl that in one relationship going together and dancing together in proom night. very wild, right?
and some student in Indonesia want to copy it as our culture. of course it isnt deserve to us. where the people still traditional and maintain the relationship between man and woman. when we heard word " Proom Night ", we straight to think, a girl with a dress and walk with her boyfriend. its funny if it translation to ours.
because of this lack of modernization. we just cold hold event named Farewell Party. where the girl wear kebaya ( traditional cloth of Indonesian Woman ). yeah like an event that my school held on 18 march.

As i get ready to go into the outside world
I look in the mirror
What do i see?
My beauty
Then i slip on the hijab
I cover my outer beauty
So you take a look at my inner beauty
I step into the cruel and unjust society
of this "free" country
i look at avoiding eyes and stares
i hear whispering from every side
i think to myself "i am not here to please everyone"
i am here to please Allah
then i hold my head with the hijab high
Allah has chosen this jihad for me to overcome
yes this is my jihad
adapted from
first experinced of the new muslimah.
this articel is adapted from
Hello Mami and Papi,
I don't know how else to approach you in order to explain my
reasoning behind my life changing decision and have you listen and
understand at the same time.
Since I can long remember I have not be a strong believer of
Christianity, there was a lot that did not make sense to me, for
example, why I have to beg for forgiveness to a priest? Why I have to
pray to saints and not straight to God, why is Jesus the SON of God,
why are their SOO many versions of the bible?
Prior to the beginning of my sophomore semester (September 2005) my
curiosity took its place and I went ahead and began doing some
research. This research of course was mild, but when Ramadan hit in
October of 2005 I observed the way my Muslim friends used to worship
Allah (God) and how they were so true to their religion, it was
The religion became a fascination to me, and I truly
wanted to know more. I purchased a few books in the UK and read some
pamphlets on the religion. I did not make any decisions but I
continued to read and become more familiar to Islam.
Islam began making sense to me, the idea that we pray only to Allah,
that we ask Allah for help and for forgive us, how a book (the Quran)
that was written thousands of years ago remains unchanged as of today
(there are different translations but no different versions) . Also
how a book that was written years ago managed to explain scientific
situations that was only discovered by man kind only a couple of year
ago. Or how the Quran has managed to explains how babies develop in
the womb? How would anyone thousands of years ago know this and in
such detail? Especially since scientist discovered the explanation of
these situations less that 100 years ago?? How can we explain those
wonders of the book? Also how can I deny the holy book when it has
been so clear in explaining advanced technology, how the day turns
into the night, the creation of human beings by water (as we know
scientifically to be known that we came from cells) layers of heaven
(which we describe now in scientific terms as the atmospheric
levels?). Furthermore, the beginning of the universe and the movement
of tectonic plates (there are numerous other examples of the science
behind the Quran).
What also has touched me is that Islam believes in
all coexist in he Quran, the Quran also tells us that we must respect
ALL religions. Mami and Papi, I can not explain how many times I have
made my self clear to you of what I believed in, I could not have
given myself away anymore! Every time I spoke hours and hours on end
about Islam, and how I knew so much.
Also I began of interacting more with Muslim friends; I felt that
they would be able to give me a clear explanation of Islam.
Islam played a major part in self respect, and it helped my
appreciate my self more, and realize that I should stay away from
harmful situation such as drinking, smoking, going out with people
that only meant trouble. I told you what my friends were like, they
were heading the wrong direction, and I did not want to be in that
direction and believing in Islam made it easier for me to walk away
from the powers of shayten and do better.
Also Islam was and has been
the reason for my success in school. I have placed my mind in my
studies instead of going out all the time as my old friends did, and
trust me you would not like me to be like them, because if I had been
than you would have every single reason to think I was a bad person,
that I was irresponsible and that I was a disgrace to the family.
After almost one year of studying Islam I had no doubt in my mind
that it was not the right religion.
I was prepared to become a Sunni
Muslim. In early June 2006 I attended the mosque in Westbury NY to
ask further questions about Islam and after speaking to a sister and
the imam of the mosque I knew that it was time to make the right
decision. I did shahada around 2 weeks later which is the Islamic
creed; it means to testify or to bear witness in Arabic, the
declaration of the belief. I stated in front of 80- 100 Muslims "ash
hadu anla ilaha illallah, wa ash hadu anla Mohammad roosul Allah"
which translates to "I believe in one and only God and Mohammad is
his messenger" It was such a beautiful experience. I had been
accepted into the Islam. I was welcomed by every single Muslim at the
mosque with open arms, I felt too special, it felt so right, I knew I
had made the best decision in my life, and it was something that was
going to bring positive sides of me. It is so hard to explain the
rush, and the emotional and faith satisfaction that I had at that
moment, but I knew there was something wrong, that I was not able to
celebrate my happiness with the people in my life that I loved the
most, the meant to most to me, and that was you and papi. The moment
was wonderful but not complete. I really wish you could have been as
proud of me as I was for myself.
It hurt so much to think and feel
that my biggest challenge would be to openly tell you about me and
Islam, about me and my faith, about me and my happiness. I know that
you both want the best for me, you want me to be happy and you want
me to be responsible, and you want me to be independent and make the
RIGHT decisions. I have done the right decision, and I made it all
by myself, and I read about Islam all by myself, I discovered Islam
in me all by myself, IT WAS ME who made every decision from the point
were I began in the Islamic interest to the point where I am now.
can't lie to you and tell you I had no influences because how else
would I have been influenced by wanting to know more about Islam?
Well from observing other people. How do we know as humans whether
eating a chocolate cake taste good or not? We taste it, we try others
to compare and then we make a final decision and if we like it we
continue to eat if we don't then we disregard it.
Mami and Papi, I know I might seem weak sometimes in certain
situations, and I know I display signs of vulnerability , but
converting into Islam was decided by me, its hard and it hurts to
think that all this studying, research of Islam and me converting has
been credited to someone else, but at the end of the day the only one
that knows the truth is God and it is to him that I will be standing
in front of on the day of Judgment, and it is him that knows
I believe in Islam, I believe in God, the only difference between
Christianity and Islam that I don't believe in is that Jesus is the
stated in the Quran that all the prophets were messengers of God,
they all came to spread the news and religion of God, but that they
all came in their own time, and that Mohammad (pbuh) was the last
messenger of God.
I know my word is hard to believe after the incidents these past two
days, but there is nothing more that I can do to prove to both of you
when it comes to the decisions that I made about Islam.
And most importantly I want you both to understand that it is
virtually impossible to explain ALL of my reasoning behind my belief
in Islam, this email is not even 1/100th of it all, I have spent
hours and hours and hours speaking to others about my feeling towards
Islam, and I wish and pray to Allah that one day I will be able to
express everything I feel about Islam with both of you.
I still
remain to be the daughter that you had almost 21 years ago, it has
not changed the way I feel about you, you still are the most
important people in my life, I love you both more than anything, I
just have a different belief and its one which will bring you no
shame, it will not physically hurt you, and I will not patronize our
I love you both very much and I only pray for the best,
Carolina Amirah DeFonseca
I'm sure, of course you're all familiar with the movie "Jurrasic Park". this Quotes I took from the movie Jurrasic Park 3. Dr Alan Grant after losing his partner was eaten by a dinosaur because his friend stealing raptor egg, and then he spoke with Eric (who had lost children in the island which contains only the dinosaurs). He said: I only know two kinds of kids that astronomers and astronauts.
astronomer, where he explore everything about something in the space, he learned to deep structure of stars, satellites, moon, planets, sun and others. but an astronomer himself never saw the things they learn, they only see the stars through a telescope, and immediately believe what they see through the telescope.
different from an astronaut, he's probably not too deeply about the constellations, planets, earth. maybe an astronaut just know the skin alone, but he immediately went into space to see for themselves the magic things out there. but the risks that must be faced by an astronaut is greater than an astronomer.
if you want my opinion. both were good, our lives are chosen, where the way of life will we choose. whether high risk or no risk. does not matter whether you type an astronaut or an important astronomi. just enjoy this life.<3333
Tonight in my math course, my teacher gave us a quotes that impress me soo deep.
He said that, dont straight to judge Allah, if He havent brought up your pray yet. Ask to yourself again, have u give thankful to Allah that give us perfect body, perfect hand, perfect eyes, and other part of bodies. whether we are using our bodies as members of God's desire
Small things that we never do before but it's important. GIVE THANK TO ALLAH. Have we do it before we ask many desire that we want.
So the conclusion is do more to thank for everything that Allah give to us. this is remind me to zain bikha's song which tittle "Give Thanks To Allah".
Give thanks to Allah,
For the moon and the stars
Prays in all day full,
What is and what was
Take hold of your iman
Don't givin to shaitan
Oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah.
Allahu Ghefor Allahu Rahim Allahu yuhibo el Mohsinin,
Hua Khalikhone hua Razikhone whahoa ala kolli sheiin khadir
Allah is Ghefor Allah is Rahim Allah is the one who loves the Mohsinin,
He is a creater, he is a sistainer and he is the one who has power over all.
Give thanks to Allah,
For the moon and the stars
Prays in all day full,
What is and what was
Take hold of your iman
Don't givin to shaitan
Oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah.
Allahu Ghefor Allahu Rahim Allahu yuhibo el Mohsinin,
Hua Khalikhone hua Razikhone whahoa ala kolli sheiin khadir
Allah is Ghefor Allah is Rahim Allah is the one who loves the Mohsinin,
He is a creater, he is a sistainer and he is the one who has power over all.
Setiap bangun tidur dan membuka mata, yang terucap adalah kalimat syukur bahwa Allah masih mengizinkan diri ini kembali melihat fajar. Merasakan embusan angin pagi yang menerobos celah jendela, dan menjumpai semua yang semalam terlihat sebelum mata terpejam masih seperti sedia kal, tidak ada yang berubah.
Kemudian melangkahlah dengan iringan di gerbang mungil menuju arena perjuangan kehidupan. Dengan tuntunan-Nya lah diri ini tak melangakh ke jalan yang salah, tak menajamah yang bukan hak, tak melihat yang dilarang, tak memamah yang tak halal, tak mendengar yang batil, dan tak banyak melakukan yang sia-sia. Karena setiap waktu yang terlewati pasti akan ditagih tanggung jawabnya. Lantaran semua jalan yang dilalui akan dimintai kesaksiannya atas diri ini. Dan sebab seluruh indra ini akan diminta bicara tentang apa-apa yang pernah tercipta.
Hari ini, masih ada lalai terbuat. Masih juga lengah sehingga khilaf tercipta. Meski segunung tausiyah pernah didengar, mulut ini masih terselip berucap dusta, saringan telinga ini tetap tak mampu membendung suara-suara melenakan, dan masih saja ada perbuatan yang salah, walau itu dalam bingkai alpa. Padahal, disetiap terminal ruhiyah, sedikitnya lima kali sehari lidah ini berucap, tangan ini tertengadah, dan mata ini meneteskan butir bening, seraya memohon perlindungan dari Allah dijauhkan dari salah dan dosa. Tetapi, masih juga langkah ini menuju arah yang sesat.
Setiap hari menangis, setiap hari meminta ampunan, setiap hari berbuat salah. Hari ini mencipta dosa, esok sibuk bersujud, mluluhkan air mata, menyusun kalimat doa, menganyam pinta semoga Allah menghapusnya dalam sekejap. Detik ini berbuat salah, terlalu lama menghapusnya, bahkan kadang lupa. Padahal, bias saja sedetik kemudian diri ini tak sempat lagi memohon ampunan. Lupakah bahwa waktu cepat berlalu. Lupakah pula bahwa menyesal diakhirat adalah kesiaan yang nyata?
Bagaimana jika hari esok tak pernah datang, padahal baru saja seharian ini berenang dalam lautan dosa. Padahal belum sempat menghapus dosa hari ini, kemarin, sepekan yang lalu, setahun yang lalu, dan bertahun-tahun yang lalu. Bagaimana jika Allah tak berkenan membukakan mata kita setelah sepanjang malam terlelap ? bagaimana jika perjumpaan dan canda riang bersama keluarga semalam adalah yang terakhir kalinya. Ketika esok harinya ruh ini melihat seluruh keluarga menangisi jasad diri yang terbujur kaku berkafan putih.
Bagaimana jika matahari esok terbit dari barat, tak seperti biasanya terbit dari timur ? padahal hari ini lupa menyebut nama-Nya. Padahal hari ini, belum sempat mengunjungi satu persatu keluarga, kerabat, sahabat, tetangga dan orang-orang yang pernah tersakiti oleh lidah dan tindakan kita. Sudah terlalu lama tak mencium kaki orangtua mencari keridhaannya, walau tak terhitung salah diri. Belum lagi sempat berderma, setelah derma kecil beberapa tahun lalu yang sering kita banggakan.
Dan jika memang esok tak pernah datang. Sungguh celakalah diri ini. Benar-benar celaka, bila belum sempat mencuci dosa sepanjang hidup. Bila belum mendengar kata maaf dari orang yang pernah terzalimi, bila belum menyisihkan harta yang menjadi hak orang lain, bila belum sempat meminta ampun atas segala khilaf yang tercipta. Maka, saat pagi ini Allah masih memperkenankan diri menikmati fajar, mulaikan hari dengan kalimat, “ terima kasih, Allah“
era muslim digest ( oase iman )
well. you may mock me out of date, nerd, soo naturaalll, etc. or we call it in indonesian " kampungan ". nevermind, than i must be follower of western culture which are very very unislamic.
this night was my first experience attending standing party-wedding party, this party was held by my neighbour when i lived in Padang six years ago. this was luxurious party. the people there are mostly richman. i dont know what their religion is, but that's not our culture.
first, when my parents and i quequed for shaking hand with couple, i saw man and woman hug one another and the man give a kiss on woman's cheek, i bet they werent muhrim. the girls with mini dress, although the girl mostly wore hijab, but still there the naughty girl. when i saw it, i thought there was not my place, i cant accept this as indonesian culture which are the people mostly muslim.i sad look this condition.
second, after shaking hand with the new couple, my mom and i put some food ( like another person, i very interesting to put delicious food ). after it, we tried to find chair to sit, islam suggest us if we eat or drink we must sit down. so i tried and tried and tried. but there werent empty chair for me and mom. goshhhh, please,do you ask me eat on foot??? yeah like the tittle standing party, we do all activity with standing, right?? my daddy didnt try to find a chair cause he knew there werent any chair for us to sit down. hueeehh. we were forced to eat on foot. cruel, they forced me break Allah's rules, Astaghfirullah..
they were no hijab between man and woman, this is not indonesia culture, islam never teach us to eat on foot, hug opposite sex,... etc.
wake up indonesian. dont want to drive by western culture. do you think follow western culture is okay????? nooooo, you are wrong. on the contrary we make a sin moreover for muslim. be a true muslim guys. i know i am imperfect but i try to obey Allah's rules. and so are you. throw western culture and be indonesian. spiriittttt!!!!!!!!
Sore itu hujan turun deras, tapi Nindi baru saja sampai di rumah. Dia baru pulang dari tempat kerjanya di salah satu Departement Store ibukota. Maklum, dia harus mencari tambahan dana untuk kuliahnya, karena itu dia harus rela menjadi SPG( Sales Promotion Girl ) pada waktu luangnya. Berlatarbelakang keluarga yang kacau membuatnya sedikit awuran. Keduaorangtuanya tak lagi tinggal bersama, ibunya sakit lemah jantung yang sulit disembuhkan dan juga Nindi mempunyai dua orang adik yang masih sekolah. Hal itu membuat Nindi tak karuan dan tak betah dirumah. Tapi meskipun awuran, Nindi masih mau bekerja untuk dirinya dan keluarganya.
“ Baru pulang toh ndo’.” Sapa ibunya dari arah kamar.
“ Iya bu, ugh capek nih.” Jawab Nindi sambil menghenyakkan badan di kursi meja makan. Lalu ibunya keluar dari kamarnya dan segera mengambilkan makanan untuk anak sulungnya ini. Dan ikut bergabung duduk di meja makan.
“ Ndo’, kamu ibu lihat sudah ga pernah ikut ngumpul-ngumpul dimesjid lagi, itu bareng sama si Ariani itu loh. Dia kan anak baik bisa bawa pengaruh baik buat kamu. Apalagi sekarang kamu kerja jadi……” Belum selesai ibunya bicara, Nindi sudah memotong.
“ Jadi SPG?? Emang kenapa toh bu, yang pentingkan halal.” Jawab Nindi “ Lagian juga Ariani tuh sekarang udah berubah, bu. Nda kaya dulu lagi. Sekarang mana mau dia main sama Nindi. Kerudungnya aja udah kaya taplak meja ,bu.” Sambung Nindi
“ Hush jangan ngomong kaya gitu kamu, ndo’. Dunia itu memang penting tapi akhirat itu lebih penting dari apapun. Besok minggu toh? kamu dirumah toh? Besok ibu suru mba’ dini ngajak kamu ke mesjid buat ngaji. Udah lama ibu ga denger kamu ngaji.” Kata ibunya panjang lebar.
“ Hah ibuuuu.” Jawab Nindi merajuk. Ibu Nindi memang benar sesibuk apapun Nindi bekerja untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keluarganya, dia juga tidak boleh lupa dengan urusan agama. Karena apapun juga pasti berasal dari Allah dan akan kembali pada Allah.
Keesokan harinya Nindi bangun pagi-pagi seperti hari libur biasanya. Dia jadi malas menjalani hari ini kalau mengingat ibunya menyuruhnya pergi ke mesjid untuk mengaji.
Dulu semasa SMA, Nindi memang rajin ke masjid dekat rumahnya untuk mengikuti pengajian-pengajian. Dia juga punya kelompok mentoring yang anggotanya Mba Dini, Ariani, Keke dan Mba Yuni. Tapi selepas SMA, Nindi begitu sibuk dengan kuliahnya dan pekerjannya, apalagi lingkungan pekerjaan Nindi kurang mendukung dalam hal agama. Dan juga, teman-teman sementoringnya Nindi sekarang semua berkerudung dan kerudungnya itu panjang-panjang. Berbeda sekali Nindi, apalagi saat Nindi bekerja dia diharuskan mengenakan rok mini dan baju yang pas badan. Jadi, Nindi agak segan kalau disuruh bergabung lagi dengan teman-teman mentoringnya.
Selesai mandi pagi, Nindi mendengar ada yang mengetuk pintu rumahnya.
“ Assalamu’alaikum ” Kata suara dari luar rumah.
“ Wa’alaikumsalam ” Jawab Nindi dari dalam sambil bergegas membuka pintu rumahnya. Dan saat pintu terbuka Mba’ Dini sudah berdiri didepan pintu dengan berpakaian rapi siap pergi ke mesjid. Mba’ Dini ini adalah sepupu Nindi. Jadi, dalam kelompok mentoringnya itu Nindi paling dekat dengan Mba’ Dini, Nindi juga sering curhat tentang yang terjadi dalam dirinya dan keluarganya pada Mba’ Dini. Mba’ Dini juga dewasa dalam menjawab persoalan-persoalan yang dialami Nindi.
“ Eh Nin. Yuk ke mesjid! Kok kamu belum siap-siap.” Ajak Mba’ Dini.
“ Mba’ kata siapa aku mau kemesjid ?” Tanya Nindi pura-pura tidak tahu.
“ Tadi bu lik nelpon, katanya kalo Mba’ mau kesejid jangan lupa ngajak kamu.” Jelas Mba’ Dini. “ Yuk jalan ntar kita telat.”
“ Aduh mba’ tapi.. aku malu mba’, aku ga ada kerudung gede-gede yang kaya mba’ pake ini loh. Ga enak aku sama yang lain. Wis yo mba’ aku ga usah dateng.” Kata Nindi memelas.
Mba’ Dini tersenyum kecil. “ Aduh de’, sapa sih yang nyuruh kamu pake kerudung panjang kaya gini. Kalau mau dateng ke mesjid itu yang penting pakaiannya menutup aurat, kan harus proses dulu, Mba’ ga langsung nyuruh kamu pake kerudung gede.” Jelas Mba’ Dini masih sambil tersenyum. “ Kamu masih punya toh kerudung jaman SMA-mu. Pake aja itu, yah.”
“ Iya mba’. Tungguin ya mba’, bentar.” Kata Nindi sambil berlari ke kamar untuk ganti baju. Beberapa menit kemudian Nindi keluar dari kama dengan mengenakan baju muslim dan kerudung, dia tampak lebih anggun daripada biasanya. Mungkin efek dari kerudung yang dia kenakan yang membuatnya tampak lebih anggun.
Keduanyapun berangkat menuju masjid yang hanya berjarak sekitar 50 meter dari jalan rumah mereka. Saat diperjalanan hati Nindi tak karuan. Dia takut tak diterima lagi dalam pengajian di masjid. Berbagai pikiran negatif merasuk dalam pikirannya, takut dihina atas pekerjannanya, inilah, itulah. Sampai-sampai saat hampir masuk masjid Nindi ingin pulang, untung ada Mba’ Dini, dia mencoba menenangkan Nindi sampai akhirnya Nindi bersedia untuk masuk ke masjid.
Saat masuk kedalam masjid yang lumayan besar dan megah ini, Nindi merasakan ketenangan dan kesejukan yang sudah jarang dia rasakan, dan diapun mencoba mengingat kapan terakhir kali dia masuk ke masjid, masjid yang sudah dijajakinya sejak kecil ini memang memiliki kesan tersendiri bagi Nindi. Nindi jadi ingat pertama kali ibunya mengajaknya ke masjid saat dia masih berumur 5 tahun. Nindi juga tidak mau masuk kedalam masjid karena takut dengan guru-guru ngaji didalam dan sang ibupun menenangkannya sehingga setelah masuk kedalam Nindi merasa nyaman dan belajar mengaji dengan baik. Dan sekarang Nindi merasakan hal itu terulang lagi, seakan-akan ini pertama kalinya dia masuk ke mesjid ini. Tapi, Nindi berusaha menyembunyikan apa yang dia rasakan, Nindi masih berpura-pura malas.
Di dalam masjid tempat bagian akhwat sudah menanti Ariana dan Keke, namun sosok Mba’ Yuni justru tak kelihatan dan digantikan oleh sosok lain yang tidak asing bagi Nindi yaitu Difa teman satu jurusannya di kampus yang terkenal sebagai aktivis Rohis kampus. Difa terkenal juga dengan julukan Ninja Chan karena kerudungnya yang lebar. Nindi sedikit kurang suka dengan Difa, karena Difa terkesan “akhwat banget” dan alergi sama cewek biasa. Eitss, itu cuma lahir dari pikiran Nindi yang sama sekali tidak dekat dengan Difa dan disinilah Nindi mulai mengenal siapa Difa.
“ Eh itu Mba’ Dini udah dateng. Eh tapi Mba’ Dini sama siapa tuh? Ya Allah itu kan Nindi.” Teriak Ariana kaget saat melihat dengan siapa Mba’ Dini datang. Arianapun langsung berdiri menyambut Nindi dengan senyuman yang lebar.
“ Nin, ya ampun udah lama ga ketemu ya.” Sambung Keke sambil menyalami Nindi.“ Nin, kenalin ini Difa, ibunya yang mau ngisi pengajian hari ini.”
“ Nindi kan? Aku kenal kok, kita satu jurusan kan?” Sapa Difa dengan suara lembutnya yang tidak dibuat-buat.
“ Eh iya, he-eh kita satu jurusan.” Jawab Nindi kikuk
“ Yaudah yuk kita ngobrol-ngobrol dulu sini, pengajiannya masih mulai 5 menit lagi.” Ajak Ariana. Sementara yang lainnya asyik mengobrol Nindi merasa ingin ke kamar mandi. Dan diapun minta izin dengan teman-temannya untuk ke kamar mandi, Nindi tidak perlu ditunjukan kemana arah kamar mandi, karena dia sudah mengenal jelas masjid ini, terakhir yang dia dengar teman-temannya sedang menanyakan kemana perginya Mba’ Yuni sehingga tidak bisa datang hari ini.
Selesai dari kamar mandi Nindi kembali ke ruang bagian akhwat, saat sudah hampir dekat dengan tempat teman-temannya tadi berkumpul, tiba-tiba Nindi mendengar Difa mengatakan sesuatu kepada yang lainnya.
“ Seorang wanita yang mulia adalah seorang wanita yang bias menjaga auratnya, bukanny malah jadi sarana untuk jualan” Dzziiinnkkk, kata-kata yang keluar dari mulut Difa bagai hujan silet yang menusuk hati Nindi, mengingat Nindi bekerja sebagai SPG. Nindi pikir Difa pasti sedang mencemoohnya, pas seperti apa yang dia takutkan dari tadi. Mata Nindi mulai berkaca ketika Difa penyelesaikan kalimatnya itu. Emosi Nindi memuncak, dari belakang Nindi langsung berkata.
“ Eh Difa, denger ya, lu ga punya hak buat, menghakimi orang dari luarnya. Emangnya lu pikir lu itu siapa? Jilbab aja yang lebar tapi hati lu sempit.Gue tau yang lo maksud tadi, lu nyindir gue kan?. Kalo lu punya latar belakang kehidupan kaya’ gue, mungkin juga lu bakal ngelakuin hal yang sama kaya’ gue. Bahkan mungkin lebih hina lagi.” Sembur Nindi tanpa henti. Sehingga ada beberapa akhwat lain yang menengok untuk melihat apa yang terjadi.
“ Astaghfirullah, Nindi. Aku sama sekali ga bermaksud kaya gitu. Aku sama yang lain cuma lagi diskusi tentang isi artikel di majalah ini.” Jawab Difa masih dengan suara lembutnya. Difa juga hampir mengeluarkan air mata seperti Nindi yang sekarang justru sudah menangis. Nindi malu karena dia sudah salah sangka. Diapun berlari meninggalkan masjid. Mba’ Dini mencoba mengejarnya, namun Nindi tak terkejar lagi. Diapun pulang sambil sesenggukan. Hati Nindi sangat pilu. Pertama, karena dia mendengar perkataan yang dia pikir untuk mencemoohnya, kedua, ternyata dia hanya salah sangaka. Berbagai perasaan menyusup ke dalam hatinya. Dia kesal, benci pada dirinya yang sekarang ini.
Siang itu Nindi akan berangkat ke tempat kerjanya setelah jam kuliah selesai. Sebelum pergi dia menyempatkan diri sholat Zhuhur di masjid kampus. Sejak kejadian memalukan itu Nindi jadi sering sholat ke masjid dikampusnya ini. Selesai sholat tiba-tiba ada yang menghampirinya. Difa. Dia mendatangi Nindi dimasjid siang itu. Difa mencoba meluruskan apa yang terjadi dimasjid hari minggu kemarin. Difa menjelaskan semuanya. Saat Difa selesai menerangkan semuanya Nindi menangis. Nindi menumpahkan segala masalahnya pada Difa yang ternyata sangat lembut, tidak seperti yang dia kira selama ini, akhwat yang alergi cewek biasa.
“ Nin, bukannya aku bermaksud menggurui kamu. Tapi hidup itu memang penuh cobaan yang menjadikan kita makin dekat sama Allah, bukannya justru makin jauh. Kamupun begitu, jalani cobaan yang lagi Allah kasih sama kamu sekarang ini dengan lapang dada. Yakinlah bahwa Allah meberikan cobaan sesuai dengan kemampuan hamba-Nya.” Jelas Difa panjang lebar masih dengan suara lembut khas Difa. Nindi masih menangis dan diapun mencoba menguatkan diri untuk berbicara lagi.
“ Tapi Dif, sejak kamu ngomong kaya gitu, kata-kata kamu selalu terngiang. Kayanya pilihanku kerja sambilan jadi SPG emang salah deh. Tapi aku ga tau mesti gimana lagi.” Kata Nindi masih sesenggukan.
“ hmm. Gini Nin, pekerjaan itu banyak macemnya. Apalagi kalau cuma pekerjaan sambilan. Banyak pekerjaan yang masih memungkinkan kamu untuk menutup aurat kamu. Dan maaf banget, ga kaya SPG. Perempuan itu dituntut untuk menutup auratnya. Dan kita tahu aurat perempuan itu mencakup ujung rambut sampai ujung kaki. Wajib hukumnya, Nin.” Jelas Difa. “ kalo aku saranin mending kamu berhenti jadi SPG. Kurang syar’i aja diliatnya perempuan berjualan kaya gitu.” Nindi hanya diam saja mendengar Difa berkata seperti itu.“ Kalo kamu mau kamu bisa jadi guru ngaji dimesjid deket rumah kamu itu. Insya Allah bisa buat tambahan dana kamu. Gimana? Kamu mau?”
“ Beneran Dif? Tapi harus pake kerudung ya? Aku belum siap Dif?” Kata Nindi.
“ Ga papa. Semuanya butuh proses Nin, kalo kamu udah niat mau memakai pakaian takwa, Insya Allah udah dihitung satu kebaikan sama Allah.” Terang Difa.
Sejak saat itu Nindi sering menumpahkan isi hatinya pada Difa. Pelan-pelan Difa memperkenalkan Nindi pada pesona Allah, pada kasih sayang-Nya, pada kepedulian-Nya dan pada cinta-Nya. Nindi kini tidak lagi menjadi SPG, dia beralih profesi menjadi guru ngaji di TPA dekat rumahnya. Walaupun belum berkerudung tapi Nindi berniat untuk memakai “pakaian takwa“ yang diberikan Nindi padanya . Baginya kini, menuju jalan Allah adalah yng paling baik. Dan dia merasakan cinta Allah yng dikirim melalui Difa.
in biology classes in school, I had just learned about the theory of evolution. I studied about the journey from ape to mankind . Not only that, there are many more theories put forward earlier times scientists about the early events of human.
Just to simply remind that, in the Qur'an, Allah has said in surah Al-Mukminun ayat12-14
. Man We did create from a quintessence (of clay); 012. Then We placed him as (a drop of) sperm in a place of rest, firmly fixed; 013. Then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood; then of that clot We made a (foetus) lump; then we made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then we developed out of it another creature. So blessed be Allah, the best to create! 014 (Al-Mu'minun: 12-14)
. The first human created by God is the Prophet Adam AS. In the hadith narrated by Imam At-Tirmidhi, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said: Verily Allah created Adam from a handful of different elements of the ground. So since it was born the son of Adam with the elements of such land; among them was born with skin the color of red, white and black. And there will also be given the ease, sadness, evil and goodness.
Adam glorify Allah by direct creation by Allah himself to do it. Allah directly drawing the human form as a statue 40 meters long after it was left until blackened, rotting and changed the smell.
We created man from sounding clay, from mud molded into shape; (Al-Hijr: 26)
Having reached the appointed time, Allah also breathes life into the human body, and said to the angels
The Word of Allah "When I have fashioned him (in due proportion) and breathed into him of My spirit, fall ye down in obeisance unto him." (Al-Hijr: 29)
When the spirit breathed in it, he went through the head with sneezing and then Allah sent the angel said, "Alhamdulillah". God said to him, "your God give you grace." So Allah loved him before his create perfect.
When the spirit up into the chest cavity, he saw the fruit of heaven and very tasteful to stand and eat it, so before reaching the second leg he has understood how to stand. Thus man was created:
Man is a creature of haste (Al-Anbiya': 37)
When the spirit entered into the two legs he stood up in a hurry to take the fruit of heaven
That Allah created the first man Adam As . And the above verses reinforce enough that our ancestors really is Prophet Adam As
from Adakah Makhluk Sebelum Adam books.