Saat musuh datang menyakiti
dan pergi meninggalkan luka
aku masih mampu berdiri
karena dorongan saudara dan saudariku
Namun, saat saudariku sendiri
datang menyakiti
goresan lukanya lebih dalam
daripada samudera terdalam
Akalku masih mampu menerima
mengapa sang musuh menyakitiku
Tapi akalku tak habis berpikir
saat saudraiku menusuk hatiku
Apa salah jika aku peduli padamu
Apa salah jika aku ingin kau berbagi padaku
Aku hanya ingin menjadi
sinar yang menerangimu saat hujan deras
tapi kau malah mencabik-cabik
matahari yang akan menerangimu
Aku lebih sedih lagi
saat kutahu ternyata
aku tak sendiri seperti ini
Sakit ini masih terasa
Hanya Allah Maha Pengubah Hati
yang mampu mengobatinya
Some story of this note is adopted from King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table Books by Roger Lancelyn Green
First story
‘ When at Camelot King Arthur held a feast at Easter one night before his wedding. But before his knights of his court would be seated at long table in the hall, a great strife broke out between them as to where they should sit – for they counted it a greater honour to be near the head of the table than near the foot.
“ we shall amend this at Arthur’s wedding,” said Merlin when he heard of the quarrel. “ on that day I will set a table here in the hall which shall be the centre of the glory of Logres, a table whose fame shall live while the world endures.”
And on the wedding day, King Arthur and His Queen, Guinevere, came at last to banqueting hall, and there Merlin awaited them, standing before a great round table of stone and wood which filled it almost from side to side ‘
From above illustration we draw a conclusion that we must think smart and quick for avoid further problem. Like in this story, all the knights desire to seat near King Arthur cause they expected that a greater honours than seat far from the king. Because the knights had not wanted to yield, then happened a great strife. Then a wise wizard Merlin suggested to amend long table in the hall became a round table. Why must round table ? cause in a round, we can seat side to side and as we know round has equal diameter in everyside. All is same.
Second story
‘ one day an Archbishops met King Arthur in his hall, bringing important news. There were his knights at hall when Archbishops wanted to tell secret message for King Arthur and Archbishops asked King Arthur for command his knights to go out. But King Arthur refused it wisely and said “ There weren’t secret in this round table. My secret is my knights’s secret. All of knights of round table is know the secret.”’
From second story above we draw a conclusion, in every organization shouldn’t have secret at each people , its public, everyone is know the problem what the organization have is. We know that King Arthur’s author was not muslim. But from this book, we can know his mind is Islamic. He taught how to solve problem, how should be a realm, how should be we thinking when problem come. And if you read this book until the last page, you can draw a lot of learning for this life. So get the good side.